Propagating Rosemary

Rosemary is the slowest growing herb I have grown. I am sure there are slower ones out there but thus far rosemary has proven to be my most difficult and slowest. Last weekend, when I was going over the list of seeds I needed to order, I went back and forth on if I should order more rosemary or if I could propagate it instead. A quick Google search on propagating led me to a Youtube video and my answer was YES!!

I decided to jump on this right away so that we could have decent size plants come spring time. It was so much fun! I think I found a new found garden love… propagating!!!

I did not use a root stimulator. Just old fashion potting soil, water, heat mat & grow lights. I will give them a bit of time to start rooting and then I will add a fertilizer to my water to feed them and give them a boost to help them grow strong and healthy.

Cut a healthy branch off your rosemary plant. Strip the leaves from the bottom 2” of the branch. Rough up the bark at the bottom of the branch, this is suppose to make roots grow faster. Stick those roughed-up bare stems directly into potting soil and keep them warm and watered.

Click to watch the YouTube video.


Starting Perennials


A peek at 2024.